Keys to the Kingdom Podcast
Matthew 16:19
I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”
Keys of the Kingdom: Episode 1 Matthew 16:19 & 18:18
Tony and Dustin discuss what the Keys of the kingdom are and where scripturally the can be found. Expounding on the Hebraic thought of the 1st century when Yeshua was giving Peter the power to bind and lose.
Keys of the Kingdom ep2
Join Tony Pino and Dustin Wade as the begin their dive into Matthew Chapter 5:17-20. We also count the omer of the day recorded.
Keys of the Kingdom Ep 3: Matthew 5:17-20 pt 2
Tony and Dustin continue down the path through scripture on Matthew/Mattityahu 5:17-20. Visit us Here!